So... I got a very nice comment from someone just moments ago. After replying and having a short four message correspondence, I came to a realization. I was talking to Brandon Saller's wife.
I nearly died of shock.
Below is the correspondence (click to make it bigger).

If you've never seen her before, she is extremely beautiful, and with all the talk of Alex's wedding coming up I decided to feature some pictures from Brandon's 2007 wedding.
Let me say, I'm a guy, so I don't really care for wedding stuff, but this shit is amazing. This is the type of wedding I'd love to have.
(Click the images to make them bigger)
Clearly Brandon is one lucky guy (and Ashley is one lucky gal!). I'm sure I'm not the only Atreyu fan who wishes them both many many years of happiness.
Thanks again Ashley!
Dude this site is fuckin sweet. keep this shit up. Cant wait for the album to drop, Ive been checkin daily hoping a leak will come out to hold me over till i buy it lol. Keep up the good work!!!!