21 October 2009

Listen to "Gallows" Online!!!

But there's a catch. You gotta blow some zombie brains away. Get to level six on the Atreyu Call of Duty: Metalhead Zombies and you unlock "Gallows" which I gotta say, i jizzed my pants. LOVE IT!

And the game, not hard at all. It took me a couple goes at it to get used it but it's actually kinda fun. I'm still playing it!

Here's a little tease (and quite possibly wrong):

"Restless... chasing shadows. Choices... facing gallows."

"We don't see your scars... are you afraid of who you are?"

So get to it!!! Play the game here.

1 comment:

  1. Fun game.

    and also, this fansite is badass. I LOVE IT =]
