Here is an example of what they had to say about "Gallows" and "Storm To Pass":
GallowsFreaking sweet! It's almost here peeps... (unless your Italian or German... lucky bastards!)
Awesome Maiden-esque guitar lick intro, into ringing-out chords. Alex roars and calls as the driving tempo riff pounds on. Another album highlight, with its massive chorus and combination of Alex/Brandon’s voice giving aggression to the serene and beauty to the ugly. Some great little guitar touches in the background, a dense mix with things that leap out more and more with each listen. An absolute stormer.
Storm To Pass
The first slow-starter, with it’s plucked guitar and bass line. The chugging driving verse riff sees Alex singing, and he really can! So all vocal bases are covered from a cerebral punkiness to the scream and into the soaring clean vocals that pull on heart strings. This may sound a bit more on the pop side melodically, but it’s just so catchy you can’t deny awesomeness! Great solo with tons of gnarly pinches too.
Thanks to Matt on MySpace for the new submission!
Your welcome bro glad to help